
Friends of Franz Podcast S3 E19: Life in Plastic [Surgery], It's Fantastic with Dr. Alex Sun

"Life in plastic, it's fantastic." This iconic line from the 1997 hit song "Barbie Girl" by Europop band Aqua alludes to the Barbie doll that debuted in 1959. Barbie has long been the paradigm of societal attractiveness through physical features, as confirmed by a survey report by Fairmont State College professor Albert M. Magro. In the same year as the song was released, Magro published the paper "Why Barbie is Perceived as Beautiful" with reasons such as a thinner body frame, longer limbs, elongated neck, square shoulders, and larger eyes. Research studies throughout the decades have shown Barbie's mixed influences on body image and the rise of cosmetic-altering procedures to achieve these physical ideals that have been pushed as societal norms, such as liposuction, breast augmentation, and rhytidectomy (or a facelift). This has placed the medical domains of plastic and cosmetic surgery in a narrowed and misconstrued light of mere vanity and the pursuit of physical "perfection."

However, there is more to the field of plastic surgery than cosmesis - with power and necessity in its own right by bestowing self-confidence and resulting quality of life. The field of plastic and reconstructive surgery daily changes, improves, and saves lives through surgeries such as cleft lip and palate repair, breast reconstruction secondary to breast cancer mastectomy, reduction mammoplasty to relieve Intertrigo, facial reconstruction after physical trauma, skin grafting to treat burn wounds, and much more.

Today, we are joined by sixth-year plastic surgery resident physician Dr. Alex Sun to speak about the often misunderstood beauty of the field. Dr. Sun is currently completing his Plastic Surgery Residency at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Alex Sun MD Plastic Surgery

Alex Sun, MD, MHS

BS: Duke University (2012) - Biomedical Engineering

MD/MHS: Yale School of Medicine (2018) - NIH-CTSA Plastic Surgery Research Fellow

Plastic Surgery Residency: Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (2025)

previous: Medical Officer (Senior Staff Fellow): FDA Division of General Surgery Devices and the Division of Infection Control and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (2020-2021)

previous: Whitaker International Fellow: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands (2012-2013)


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